Thursday, June 07, 2001

my booty is covered in hot fudge. does that make it bootylicious?

i'm just trying to get the concept down.

my band of the month pick is definitely going to have to be fountains of wayne. why, you ask? well maybe you didn't, but i'll explain anyway. i love their first album, it's on permanent rotation here at the grind, and i just read an interview with them over at the onion.

i had no idea adam schlesinger wrote 'that thing you do'

if i had to choose one of two already mentioned, i might go with jimmy. but their album comes out next month. but then so does hey hey mercedes’.

hey, hey holy mackerel. no doubt about it. the cubs are on their way!!

i think they made a mistake while naming their band. hey hey holy mackerel would have been much cooler. or not. bad news on the cubs game front. there are no contiguous seats on the 24th, so we’re gonna have to go for another day. but how about a blog drinking day? all blog writers, blog readers and general hangers-on can drink alcohol. alcohol good. i better do work, or more precisely pretend to do work since everything here is broken.


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