Tuesday, June 05, 2001


okay, so we have this bird feeder on the outside of the windows in the cafeteria so usually there are birds perched on the ledge or eating out of the feeder, and things like that. (a funny side note is the crazy shipping/receiving guy has a special place in his heart for these birds). anyways, today I went to go get my coffee (aka free liquid supplied by work that is dark and lukewarm) and there was a big duck just chillin on the ledge. and I mean big! I think it was a girl mallard and she was doing that sleeping/standing on one foot thing. I think its actually a yoga position. wierd.

Band of the month: I do like that catchy pop song that is guilty pleasure #2, but I will have to put in a strong vote for jimmy eat world because Clarity has been in my CD changer for awhile now.


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