After reading the wire this morning, I have decided two things: Maybe I do go over board with footnotes, but I got so tired of using parentheses that I had to change format (Don’t you think they are a bit over done?*) and the other I guess, isn’t really a decision as much as a reminder to tell a little cell phone story that all three of ok got to experience as group.
It was the same night where in one night, a set of salt and pepper shakers and a candle and 2 special menus were all shoved into my red bag.** Anyway, in between these two events, we get into a cab and there is a cell phone in the front seat. Well, Becky, Chris and I are in the backseat and we kind of miss the conversation, but the cabbie asks Greg to answer the cell phone because the guy who lost his phone kept calling it. Greg and the guy talk, and the next thing you know, Bart- was that his name?- was in the free party with us at Tequila Roadhouse, having free drinks on the same girl that none of knew anyway. Moral of the story? It pays to call your own phone if you lose it.
Be prepared for a long one after lunch. I'm having more dreams I just don't understand.
*Meaning both parentheses and footnotes.
**I was fully aware of the salt and pepper shakers but as for the other two items, I go to pick up my bag and it weighs three pounds more. I made the thief carry it. If you take it, you carry the baggage.
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