Wednesday, July 18, 2001


Humidity blows.

Speaking of things blowing, I saw an article on MSN with the title “MTV turns 20: Is it losing its edge?” I’d like to pose the question of “What edge?”

I’m not here* to rip on MTV’s stupid, overrated, television shows, the constant programming rather than videos and the repetition of Britney Spears/Backdoor, um pardon, Backstreet Boy-esque variety of videos, that is, when videos are actually played. I just think that if you are going to name a station “Music Television,” play what you advertise, which in this case is music. Not the Real World 15, not Road Rules, but music videos.

I have now stepped down from my soapbox. Look what you started! Kidding! : )

Yoga went well yesterday, besides the fact that it was so hot in there. The humidity and the heat makes stretching easier. Maybe that was why Mary kept telling Becky how much better her hamstrings were as opposed to 2 years ago.**

Pat finally installed a small a/c unit in his apartment. Good news? It’s much cooler. Bad news? It only really cools the living room. The kitchen is close to unbearable, especially with the oven on. I love warm weather, I love Chicago summers, but the humidity can take a long walk off a short pier. Get it?

*or maybe I am.
**We haven’t been going to Yoga for two years. So basically, the joke Crazy Mary made here was her hamstrings were so tight before that it took her that long to stretch them out. Maybe you just had to be there.


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