Items Missing from apartment:
Day 1: Bottle of Windex
Bottle of Mr. Clean
Dish scrubbing brush
Day 2: Misc. Candles
Basket to hold Magazines*
Blue bathroom rug
Floor length mirror
None of these items are mine, so obviously it’s ok if they are gone. This is the order that I noticed them missing over a couple of days. These items are not only replaceable, but in a way, I’m glad some are gone. I hated that blue bathroom rug! There are three items on the above list that make absolutely no sense that they were taken in the first place. Can you guess which three? Anyway, that is what happens when someone moves out and someone new moves in.
I’m feeling better today, a lot better. I had a nice relaxing evening at home with Pat, so basically, the usual.
Exciting news? Ken, my very lovable Japanese friend, is back in Chicago from his South American travels. Unfortunately, he goes home to Tokyo next week, so I’d like to make this last week count. Why does everyone I care about move out of the freakin’ state?!?!?!
Ok, I’m off to have lunch with Seth. Hopefully, I’ll be back later**. Bill is gone again on Friday for business, so I’ll have five glorious days of guilt free blogging.
*Magazines once contained in the basket were located in a heap on the floor until I threw almost all of them away, except of course, my prized collection of favorite Onions, a few really good Spin magazines and all five of my Truly Tasteless Joke Books- they happened to be gifts. They also happen to be a guilty pleasure of mine. Some of the jokes are just so bad, but so funny.
**I'll definitly be at work later, but maybe not blogging.
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