Tuesday, July 03, 2001


Where is everyone? Greg? Becky?

Happy 3rd of July! Rain! Yay!

Does sarcasm rule my world? Yes it does.

This morning, during the 7 minute or so walk from the blue line Jackson stop to work, my pants from the knee down were completely soaked. Although my umbrella rocks, it doesn’t cover my entire body. Someone should invent a body umbrella or something like that, for crazy rainstorms such as this morning.

Speaking of my umbrella . . . I left my lucky umbrella at yoga two weeks ago. I should probably explain why I think it’s lucky. Before I moved to England for those six months, I found this old school, circa 1985 red umbrella in my mom’s closet- still in the packaging. So, I took it with me. It traveled with me to Italy, Norway and all over Scotland, besides being my daily companion in Newcastle. When I went to Ireland, I accidentally left the umbrella at my flatmates (Steph) fiancée’s (John) family (got it?) house in Kells where I was staying. I was pretty upset, considering the fact that I had taken the umbrella with me everywhere.

In November, I go back over to Newcastle to visit. I guess during the summer, John’s little sister came over to visit, and brought the umbrella back over with her thinking that it was Steph’s. So there it was- the umbrella had found me. I know it sounds stupid, but I was excited I got it back.

Back to the very near present. Anyway, I called up crazy Mary as soon as I realized it was gone and I picked up the umbrella the following week. Today was the first time I had to use it since I got it back. When I did, there was a post-it on the inside that read: “Jennifer’s lucky umbrella. Please keep it safe for her!” There you have it.

If fireworks do happen this eve, I’ll be in the city, either drinking beer on a rooftop or be somewhere in the Taste. I prefer rooftop. Now, all I have to do is convince Pat.

I get off early from work today. Thank god! Even though I believe that some people got the enitire day off from work. Grrr. And since tomorrow is a national holiday, and my friend Jordan’s birthday, there will be no blogs from me, and most likely, no blogs from the rest of OK. So have a good few days. Back on Thursday.


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