Tuesday, August 28, 2001


Becky was apart of a threesome? Greg, how do you feel about this?

It’s good to have everyone back. Back to normal.

So, last night I saw this movie with Pat and I can’t remember the name of it. All I know is that it is a) foreign b) very strange c) has this creepy opening sequence with a bunch of Santas. My allergies have been sucking royally, so I spent most of the film with my eyes closed. They were so itchy! I missed most of the movie, but what I saw, I liked.

I have this personal thing against drugs. When I say drugs, I mean anything like aspirin or antihistamines, etc.* I have this theory . . . Way back in the day, so basically, anything before about 100 to 150 years ago**, people couldn’t just go to Walgreens and pick up benedryl when they were sneezing. If they had a headache, they didn’t go into their medicine cabinet and get some Advil. They just dealt with it. I’m a firm believer that your body has everything it needs to take care of and heal itself.*** I also think that if I pop an aspirin every time my head hurts just a little, what’s going to happen when/if I have a migraine or something more painful? Will I have to take 10 aspirin just so it will go away? Yes, I know, life expectancy was like 23 years old or something like that back then. Then again, people don’t also die of allergies.

So, when Pat asked me last night why I didn’t take anything as I was listening to the movie last night, I told him my spiel. He said if I’m not going to take anything, then I couldn’t complain. Who thought of that? People complained back then! It's because they didn't have the drugs for everyday inconveniences like headaches and allegies! What do you expect of people? Hey wait. . .

*Not like heroin, coke or acid. I say go for it! By the way, I’m kidding.
**A time when grains were kept whole. I swear that commercial exists. And when I find it, you will all be sorry.
*** This is for minor problems, not like cancer or anything like that.


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