awesome idea greg! I've heard that the only business on the internet that has actually shown a profit is porn. we can be rich!!
Meanwhile I will bust my hump here in my cubible wondering what is it like outside because the closest window is 100 ft away.
I love old halloween candy that I get for free at work, especially when its laffy taffy and contains jokes. check these out:
1) what do you call a monkey who loves to eat potato chips? *
2) Why is the sun like a black eye? **
On a different note, Mjarc, you can always come to my work and do statistics. I have been slaving over them all week. any info on how to do a balanced incomplete block sensory test would be much appreciated.
I have a computer now at home thanks to Jen and her Mom and them giving me their old computer. Blogging on the weekends may soon be possible. I remember when I signed up for my phone line and the dude wanted me to get their internet service and he did not believe me when I said I didn't have a computer at home. are you sure? wait let me check....nope, still no computer-I am on one for about 9 hours a day at work so its not a big stretch.....
*A chip-munk
**Because they are both shiners
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