Friday, December 28, 2001


Bring on the weekend!!

Greg is hungover today (hehehe). he has been a slacker blogger all week. this is mostly due to the fact that his stupid place of employment keeps letting him go home early. what is up with that? shouldn't it be a rule that we should all get to go home early??

We missed our Jen at the wing fest last night. although I did not partake in any of the eating of the wings. They just seem gross to me these days. Every week I have eaten a few less and last night I just went straight for the mashed potatoes. yum.

the dentist was OK, but I am going to have to get a tooth pulled sometime next year. not really looking forward to that one.

Tonight is the fancy dinner with the u of I girls. we are doing this instead of getting xmas presents for each other. I just hope that they like the restaurant, or I'll never hear the end of it......