Tuesday, February 19, 2002


What a way to cut lengthwise.

I am so sick. boo.

I was supposed to give my first tour at the museum today, but I lost my voice. It's here, but I can barely project to the person next to me. That's what coughing for four days straight can do to you. Oh and maybe the stupid high fever that I had too.

Yup. So instead, I am typing up this excerpt on the Chicago Fire. It looks like we will be having some sort of photo show on that in the near future. See how great this job is? I can give everyone insights as to what the museum will have up! Do you care? Probably not. OK, let's continue.

I haven't seen Becky or Greg for at least two weeks now or maybe more. I kinda miss those two, in a sick and twisted way. No, not really. That's just the medicine talking. What's that? I took medicine? Yeah, I had to. I was dying.

Oh, god, this blog is terrible. Sorry.

To see what I look like, on a normal and happy day, check out the Vegas pics section on the BLARG of our favorite guys from Normal, IL.

Ok, back to the fire.


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