Wednesday, March 06, 2002


Turn on your heart lights.

Although I have no time to tell you this story of why I also have a stupid Neil Diamond song in my head, I will anyway. Brian (my buddy at work) somehow got this song in his head and then changed the song to "turn on your hot lights" to relate to photography. This, by the way, happened Friday afternoon. It's been with me ever since and even this morning in class we were changing the words and singing the tune. I must destroy Brian!!!!!!

So fucking busy!!!!

I have to print some stuff out, and meet Greg at Union station at 3:10 to catch the train. Then I have to get my ass here early tomorrow to finish the evil deed of printing for my big fat professor that I hate and have to see for grad critiques tomorrow afternoon. She is so evil.

I just had the largest cup of coffee in the entire world and I'm shaking like a crack baby. I just hope my prints don't turn out shitty.

I can't wait to relax later and see the show (and take photos).

To the darkroom!


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