Friday, June 07, 2002


just close your eyes, dear

"Fun Friday" at work should be called "Very Sleepy Friday." I could totally use a nap.

I have to say one thing. . . Bob - you finally went to Yoga!!! I am so happy! Really there is no possible way to share the joy of yoga unless you go yourself.

Ok, last night I got drunk. I really think I should stop writing that because it makes it seem like thats all I do. I really don't drink all the time.* See, my problem is that Jono stopped by after work, and then we went to a bar. Then Chris came over, and if you've met Chris before, you know that he has to have a drink or it's not a night. So, I had this bottle of wine open from a previous night and we drank that. Then I went to usual Thursday night wings and well, they have $2.50 pints. So that's why I'm sleepy.

I'm am very excited about the weekend though. I'l be heading up to Wisconsin this evening. I'll be doing a little dinner, spending some quality time by a bonfire and maybe doing a brewery tour. It's a mini vaction of sorts.

I'll be back Saturday night, and hopefully I'll get to see Marc. It's been awhile**, you know?

It's just about noon which means I have 2 more hours until I leave. 2 hours can take forever.

* I think denial is a characteristic of alcoholism. But really, I don't drink all the time!
**Vegas. . .


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