Thursday, August 01, 2002


Hmm. still no B or G.

Well I feel like a productive member of society today - or at least at work. I could possibly find a small job to do for the remaining 30 minutes that I'm here, but I think I'm not going to. So there.

Last night, my old, roomate of a year ago was at my house. Besides the fact that she is a cold heartless bitch, I was quite shocked at her presence. I really didn't think that she'd have the nerve to come back. I didn't say anything to her, obviously, because I don't have anything nice to say. Anyway, I found out that she never gave her set of keys to my other roommate (who happens to still be a friend of hers - this is not Gant, by the way). It really bothered me for two reasons. 1) She could have come into my house anytime she wanted during this year peroid wher I thought someone else had her keys and 2) she kept them even though she knew she was supposed ro give them back, proving that she is as stupid as she looks. Ok, I'm being harsh. Someday in the future, I am going to move out of that apartment and I'm going to have to return 3 sets of keys. I don't want to be responsible for that set. Plain and simple.

It pissed me off when I realized this about ten minutes after she left, so I couldn't even ask her for them back. I had to go through my other roommate and ask her to ask for the keys back. That totally sucks, because in no way shape or form is this key thing her fault, it's the bitch's. You get it. No more profanity from me this eve.

On a lighter note, everyone must go to The Dismemberment Plan web page and see the video for time bomb. Go do it now. Right now!


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