Tuesday, August 27, 2002


Increasing pixels and sound

It has been approved. We asked two more lovely people if they would like to blog here. Now we are just waiting for the response. Brian and Christie, are you out there?

It's tough to write everyday, especially with everyone's increasingly busier* schedules. So we will hopefully have two more. I know that they would be a great addition.

Today, we had this guy come and film the museum for a program called Chicago Works which is on cable channel 23. Anyway, I had to pretend that I was a patron, along with the younger staff members. He wanted to film us talking about the work, with no sound thank god, because our conversation consisted of how tasty bread is. I don't have cable, so I can't watch it, but you can!!! I'll let you know when it's on.

I'm feeling slightly better than yesterday, so that's good. Brian and I went to Whole Foods last night where I purchased "warm herbal bullshit." For being "warm herbal bullshit," it works really well. Thank god for those hippies!

Hmmm. . . other news. Today, my new Mac should be shipped. I am so excited!!! I'm going to call MacWarehouse and get the scoop right now.

*Is that incorrect grammar?


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