Wednesday, April 09, 2003


where did we go wrong?

Please don't tell me that we started with such a strong start posting and all and now that's it! We can't just close the week off with only me writing, damn it! Please don't do that to yourselves, but more importantly, don't do that to Amit.

I don't have too many interesting stories for the day, it was pretty usual. Wake up, take a shower, feed that cat, etc. One thing that's been kind of amusing is the fact that the automatic sprinklers for the park (or enlarged median - whateves) in the middle of my block have been running every morning since Monday. There was so much water on my block on Monday that I was expecting and iceberg to float by. Of course Monday night, the entire street was an ice skating rink. You would think that after seeing the forecast, whomever is in charge of those would turn them off until next week or so. Nope. This morning, they were watering a shiny blanket of icy snow.

I finished the mock-up for my thesis project and so far, I've been getting a lot of positive feedback. So yes, there is still a huge possibility that my stuff will be in the show in May, which is both scary and exciting. It's a lot of stuff to do - print out the book, which is at 76 pages, get it bound or do it myself, and think of, design and build an installation to go with it. All by May 6th or so. Yup. Exactly.

So, right now, I should be doing more related work, but I find myself more interested in the sun outside. I also have to do some research on an artist that I'm hoping to do a presentation on next week. You can check out the site here if you are interested.

I'm thinking about taking off and going to Reckless to buy some new music. I'm desperate for something new to listen to. Any suggestions?

Well, Amit - two more days. Any requests? Anything that you'd like to say?


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