Wednesday, March 19, 2003


Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie

So I'm nearing the corner of Jackson and Wabash when I hear the conversation of three people.

Girl Robot: Hey what song were you siinging earlier?
Boy Robot #1: Bye, bye Miss American Pie.
Boy Robot #2: Hey, yeah! I like that song!
Girl Robot: Me too, it's a really good song!

(I only say robot because this conversation seemed like it was programmed)

I thought that this conversation was a little odd anyway, but then, about two blocks down, as I'm about to cross the street, I hear this girls singing the song. It was so strange. Christie, that guy who used to be in Mike's band - didn't he have some sort of issue with things like this. Can I be any more vague? The thing with the thing?

Ok, so I'm off to Austin tomorrow, so you will recieve a full report of dork fest, um, SPE, when I get back!


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