Friday, February 06, 2004


Maury, that is not my baby!

I don't know if I can really do a better job of explaining it, but Crapple is the greatest event to ever grace the NW corner of Wellington and Lakewood. The crowd size at this bar (J & R Tap) literally increases by about 4000% on Crapple nights. Come and celebrate my new job with me, and get there early if you want a table.

Question of the Day:
What's a good place for a skinny dude like me to pick up some cool t-shirts? I used to do most of my shopping at Oak Brook mall during my lunch hours, but my new job isn't close to any decent stores. Sadly, I don't know of any Chicago t-shirt hotspots, even though I've lived here for quite some time now. Help a brotha out.

Question of the Day Part Deux:
Hey Jen, did you ever consider adding a comments feature to our little blog here? I could do it if you give me administrative powers. The public wants their opinions concerning Nicholas Cage, 4700 lb. Gregs, and Crapple to be heard!


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