Thursday, March 11, 2004


Do you believe in miracles? You won! Yeah, baby. You're money! You're SO money! Rock and Roll Cleveland!
-Pop Culture Trvial Pursuit

So I have applied at two part time positions - one is an art handler in the River North Gallery District and the other is an office assistant at a yoga studio. I just sent out resumes on Tuesday, so I don't expect to hear anything until next week. Hopefully I'll hear anything at all.

I've been a little down due to this whole less hours thing, so I am trying to cheer myself up with copius amounts of yoga and sleep - 2 very free items.

Last night, I had some peeps over (another form of cheap fun.) Scott brought over his pop culture trivial pursuit that has a DVD that asks the question for the pie pieces. The game pieces are also cooler than normal - mine was a mix tape. Anyway, when you win - which was Byron- the above quotes flash on the screen. Really cheesy, but I think I may start saying Rock and Roll Cleveland everytime I get excited.

So, what does the weekend hold for everyone? I think that I may be hitting up the South Side St. Patty's Day Parade. Otherwise, it has to be cheap or someone has to buy stuff for me.

Mike - this may seem like a moot point, but Greg and I were at, what we like to call, "eight hours of Braid." We were at the last Metro Show and then we went to the Fireside afterwards. I was upset that I didn't get to participate in the wheel of Braid and get a bag full of condiments from the tour van. Anyway, my point is, were you there as well?


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