Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Happy new year to you all again! yay!

We had a lovely time at the Berko's for new years and we were happy not to have to clean up the next day! However we were not happy to have to get up at 9:00 to drive 3 hours to my sisters house. Nonetheless we were happy to see my family and play ring around the rosie with my niece - mostly involving her spinning in circles until she got dizzy and then falling down and laughing. it was cute.

Anyways, I'm really writing to rant about our upstairs neighbor lets call her school marm. She has told us in the past and mostly in the summer that we were too loud on the porch or that our music was too loud. We apologized and have tried to be quiet and have even left her notes when we are going to have a party to warn her about the possiblity of noise.

We got a note left at our door (with a plate of brownies that greg thought were poisened, but I ate one and it tasted bad but I did not die) that many times "your audio overwhelms mine" with the hope that we could work things out.

So we have been planning on talking to her to try to "work it out", but last night she knocked on our door at 8:00 when we were watching Everybody loves Raymond and grading homework, and she told us that our TV was too loud and could we turn it down. What?? 8:00??? Was it really that loud if we were also able to talk across the room?? are you kidding me?? do we have to speak in whispers from now on?? and god forbid sometimes I laugh!!

Anyways, we are not sure what to do now. how do you "work it out" with someone who wants you to turn your TV down at 8:00?? - that's prime time baby! Please send us any advice if you've had to deal with noise-sensitive neighbors....

ps - can't wait to come to cali!!


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