Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Keep your head down and look busy. . .

Last night on the L, I was asked by a fifty or so year old woman with about 3 teeth if my name was Dale and if I went to high school with her. When I replied no, she asked me if I channeled Dale's energy. After replying no again, and hoping the conversation was over, she asked if she could draw me and she wouldn't charge me much for it. 2 things I learned from this interaction: 1) I look like I'm 50. 2) If you are keeping your head down, desperately trying to look busy while staring at a bottle of water, never give up and look else where. Keep focused and maybe the crazies will bother someone else.

Mike, Mike, Mike. I have been thinking about a Halloween Party long before I even moved back home. I went to a horrible L.A. party last year, and kept thinking about how much fun I used to have back in Chicago. However, since I have moved back, and into such a nice place - I'd even say the nicest I have lived in thus far - I think about how trashed my old apartment got after those parties and I get a little scared. Will I fuck up our nice wood floors? Will we rudely disturb all of our neighbors? And even more importantly, will someone knock over or even (gulp) break my collection of Kid Robot toys? The possibilities are endless.

Now, I know I am running out of time to plan such an event, but I want to speak to Christie (blogger and upstairs neighbor) one more time about it to see what she thinks. If it's smaller than my old parties, things should be fine, right?

Just as a short FYI- my interview today went well. It looks like I will be called into a second interview next week!


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