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Well, I'm still job hunting for something besides this part time gallery gig. I do really like the gallery and owner, so at least I am doing something enjoyable. However, there are two things I wish I could change about the job: 1) I wish it wasn't part time. 2) I wish that I didn't have to work on this crappy Dell Laptop and check our e-mail on dial-up! AOL. I hate both of these companies! and dial-up. It's sooooo slow.
Funny enough, on my second day, I ran the gallery myself because the owner was out of town. She told me that if anyone messed with me (meaning some wierdo comes into the gallery and makes me uncomfortable), I should either pick up the phone and pretend to call someone or if worse came to worse, pull out the hammer we have at the gallery to hang paintings. Now, I don't know how I feel about hitting someone with a hammer if a person was threating me. It's seems a little brutal, doesn't it? Using a stapler or keyboard seems crafty, whereas a hammer almost seems premeditated. Anyway, no one came in and bothered me, so I didn't have to use any makeshift weapons.
I've been feeling a bit down lately. I had this great job and a nice place to live in California and I bitched about it. Now I am back home, in a very nice place, mind you, but I can't find a job to save my life. I've called every gallery, I've even applied for receptionist work and yet, nothing. I keep staring at my resume thinking I put the wrong phone number on there. Am I over qualified? Does my cover letter suck? What am I doing wrong? I didn't want to apply at a temp agency, but it looks like I'll have to. I need cash and bad!
Tonight, we are going to some Burlesque show at the Hot House. Matt's friend is in it, and luckily, fitting into "Budget Mode" we got on the guest list. I'm expecting a lot of duct tape and thongs, but maybe I'm thinking more Suicide Girls and less actual burlesque.
Speaking of Suicide Girls, Matt and my dear friend from California, Mike Marshall, documented the first tour of the Suicide Girls and it is now out on DVD. Please buy this and support Mike and his fabulous filmaking. Not only that, but Mike picked all the bands and music for the movie as well. There are some great songs on the DVD and it's well worth having.

Matt, Mike and I at the birthday/going away party. More pictures to come!
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