Saturday, July 22, 2006


Last night, the ladies of this blog enjoyed a nice hangout at Becky's house, which included a viewing of Wierd Science. It seems like forever that I have been talking about this David Bowie and Tina Turner Pepsi commercial that is based roughly off the scene in Wierd Science where Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt create Lisa (Kelly LeBrock) on the computer and with a barbie doll. I know I mentioned it a thousand times, but people just look at me blankly. Apparently I never mentioned it to Becky, because she remembered the commercial! Thank you! I knew I wasn't making this up.

Anyway, thanks to Ken and his recent post about Top 10 Videos of the 80's, I have been obsessed with You Tube. So, I typed in David Bowie and Tina Turner and I found this little gem. I think I remember a longer version of this commercial, but they don't have it on You Tube.

Now I just have to find this other stupid commercial that I remember and no one else does. It's a commercial for a cereal called "Great Grains" or something like that. A woman is eating breakfast and then it goes to a split screen in black and white of this guy dressed late 19th century garb. The woman asks him where is from and he says "I'm from a time when grains were kept whole." It's a stupid commercial, and it drives me crazy that I remember it so damn well.

Anyone else have a commercial from their childhood that they remember and no one else does?


Blogger Joseph Pindelski said...

ummmm ... no.

12:35 PM  

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