
I have been informed by Nathan that little Izzy, now named Rogue, is doing fine in her new home. For some reason, I expected her to miss me, and show it in some sort of way - you know, cry all night or poop on the floor - but apparently, she's doing fine without the person who picked her up off the steets, gave her home for five days and introduced her to hew new owner.
Josie and Tiger are back to their regular lives, almost like Rogue wasn't even here. How quickly they forget.
After working 13 days in a row, I am so ready for the weekend. My friends, Anne and Bob, are getting married this Sunday, so yet another fun thing to look forward to.
I think all the coffee I drank today is finally wearing off. Time for a beer and a movie.
I had a dog that I took off the street and lived with and took care of for several years. At one point, I had to find another home for him. We found a family with several young kids and a fenced-in one acre lot. We left him with that family and he never even watched us leave. But I'm not bitter...oh, no...not ME!
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