The cutest bane of my existence ever.

Saturday night out on a beer run to Jewel, Matt and I spotted this little cutie by the front of the store. I couldn't leave her there, so like an idiot, I brought her home. As you may or may not know, I already have two spoiled little kitties and well, neither of them want to share their home with this little rug rat. Anyway, major cat chaos has broken loose in our household. Josie and Tiger, who have learned to deal with one another over the past year have started to hate each another again, and especially hate this little cat, who I have temporarily named Izzy. Thank god, dear friend, Nathan, came over and fell in love with her, so she will be leaving my house this eve. Huzzah!
The season finale of Lost is on tonight, so you know I'll be watching. American Idol what?
Good for you adopting a stray. Every animal we've ever had was either a stray or rescue.
Just an FYI:
At Danckwart's retirement gala there were display cases full of things that students had given him over the years (pics, etc.)...
in the center of one of them was "ENJOY THE WONDERMENT", colored and signed by the artists.
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