Tuesday, March 27, 2001


It's a Bill (the boss) free morning!

Ha!!!! I got in late and no one cared!

Unfortunately, I kinda feel like crap today. I spent the coldest night ever at Pat's. The power went out in his kitchen on Sunday, which is conveniently where the heater is located. So, Pat's place was a cool 55 degrees. I slept with the most clothing on ever. I also had an impossible time getting up. So, I am groggy and still trying to warm myself up.

Brings me back to the old times with Bora at the Fletcher apartment. We had the absolute worst landlady ever, who we used to call "Jo Poe"(which is a shortened version of her name.) When she pissed us off, which was more often than not, we would throw in a "dumb-ass" or "retard" between the Jo and Poe. Anyway, our lovely space heater, which we referred to as "hell" (because when it was working, it could serious burn flesh if you sat too close to it), was emitting carbon monoxide. We had to make it through some of the coldest nights without heat. "Jo Poe" bought us a radiator space heater, and Bora and I would get pillows and blankets and lay around it while we watched TV, studied or slept. It was awesome (sarcastic.)

Ok, I'm going to have more coffee. More later.


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