Friday, May 18, 2001


I just heard that cover of Bizarre Love Triangle by Frente- remember them? It brought me back to a very fond memory of high school and when Q101 was actually a decent station. Ahhh. . . memories. It’s REM day on XRT, which I think, is good, as long as they don’t play that new song that sucks ass. I just can’t stand it.

Last night the wings were good and the company even better. Unfortunately, as much as I love my friends, everyone always cuts out early. We didn’t even party like 1997, it was more like 1915. Ok, I’m just being rude now. So, it’s 11, I have nothing to do, and I’m wide-awake. Good thing for Jim! To the rescue again! Anyway, we went to Cody’s and played pool. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Cody’s? It’s on the corner of Barry and Paulina. I used to live a block away from it, so access was much easier (now I live five blocks away and I am much lazier.) Anyway, it has this dart room, which even has a separate level for viewing. The beer garden is also really nice. One of the best parts is that people usually bring their dogs in the bar (sorry, no English Bulldogs last night.) I highly recommend it.

I also just had the spicy chicken at Silk Road. Anyone remember my tongue incident? Just wanted to let you know that the tongue is doing fine, so the spicy chicken was not the cause of it. I actually blame the Tropicana strawberry/banana/orange juice I had Thursday morning before “The Incident.” My throat, on the other hand, still hurts.


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