Tuesday, January 15, 2002


Guess who's flying to virginia on sunday. yay! its me!! more fun!!

Its been so long since blogging, I think I've lost my style. Work is so wierd right now. I don't know how I got to where I am which is having so much to do that I don't even know where to start. so I think I won't-I will sit here and read blogs and do online banking and relax. and then I will get fired. boo on that. so I guess its back to work then.

so I'm not always into getting too personal on these blogs, but I am in a situation right now where I really need advice. someone who is really close to me is not doing very well in life right now and has talked about taking her own life on a few occasions lately. she doesn't want to talk to me or see me cause she resents me for being successful and doing things that she feel she cannot do (like keep a job, relationship, etc.). I really want to help and support her but I don't know how. everything that I saw to her makes it sound like I'm talking down to her and if I try to complain about something to show her that my life is not perfect then it looks like I'm patronizing her. so I've been writing her letters cause I don't know what else to do. write me if you have any suggestions on how to make a person feel better about themselves without sounding like a jackass.

thanks. more to come on a lighter note soon.


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