Monday, January 28, 2002


We're not gonna ma-a-a-ake it, oh no!*

Reasons to Live in Wisconsin:
1. A round of 4 beers is $7
2. The cheese is good
3. My family lives there

Resons not to Live in Wisconsin
1. Too many Packer fans
2. Stores don't sell booze after 9pm (in some counties)
3. Its cold
4. The drive from Milwaukee to Appleton is BO-RING
5. My family lives there (I know this joke is old but they really are a blessing and a curse, you know?)

I know that there is more, but its monday morning and I'm tired. I'm glad not to be travelling this week so things like Yoga can happen. and that is good. we bonded with my family this weekend-greg got drunk with my dad and mark and we picked out bridesmaid dresses for the upcoming June wedding**. we also convinced my sister that age 26 is your late twenties so she is really old. we missed the nice weather but I was still able to avoid wearing my winter coat so it was pretty nice up there too.

*The Presidents of the United States of America make an appearance in my CD player on the trip this weekend. quality stuff!
**There's nothing like spending $200 on a dress that you will only wear one night ever in your entire life because it is so ridiculous looking.


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