Friday, January 25, 2002


No can do.

Wow. My mind is racing this morning. Of course, it could be the two cups of coffee I just had. I’m not quite sure.

On my normal blog rotation this morning, I stopped by you look good in black and learned many interesting things. First of all, about the Hall and Oates VH1 special! How cool is that? I was at the shops yesterday looking for another congratulatory item and I heard some remix (it had the same vocals as the original but it was more dance oriented) of "I can’t go for that" by H&O. I knew all the words, probably because my mom had that album and played it when I was younger. Then I had this thought: “what if people younger than me hear this remix and think that it’s a new song?” I started feeling old. Anyway, if I had cable, I’d watch this Behind the Music for two reasons: 1) I love Behind the Music and will watch it for pretty much any artist. I think I only turned it off when there was back to back specials on Shenia Twain and Faith Hill. 2) Hall and Oates may not be the best band on earth, but some stuff is pretty catchy.

The second thing I learned: There is Weblog Awards. Of all the sites listed, Slatch is the only one I know of. After going through all the categories, I stumbled upon Wil Wheaton dot net. So I’m thinking, “isn’t Wil Wheaton that kid from Star Trek the next gen*?” So, I go to the site and find out that it really is him of Star Trek fame and of course, Stand by Me, one of the best Stephen King stories to be made into a movie. Here is my take on Wil Wheaton’s site: It should not be nominated for best comedic site because it is NOT funny. I do have to admit, it’s strange reading this guy’s weblog, especially because you know there are hard core Star Trek fans who read this in hopes of gaining insight to what it was like to be the youngest ensign in Starfleet.**

Ok, time to move on.

I wonder what I should do this weekend? The weather will be so nice and I don’t want to waste it. I really want to go on a bike ride by the lake or walk down Belmont and hit all the antique shops I’ve been meaning to go to since I moved to my current Lake View location. Umm, yeah, that was three years ago.

Time to find some lunch.

*I think I just gave you a clue that I used to watch that show. I know, for shame.
**dork, dork, dork.


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