Wednesday, January 02, 2002


Oh fine mom, how's Washington?*

Guess where I am supposed to be?!?!?

In class. I had full intentions of going, and then Pat got a flat tire, and being the good girlfriend I am, helped get the car to a Just Tires, and here it is, sometime after three and I'm still not in school.

I'm blogging from Pat's computer right now, FYI.


I got out of the stuffy dress up party I was supposed to go to, by default, and ended up at the party mentioned above by Beck. It was fun. It was even more fun trying to figure out who hooked up with who, who was booty grinding on someone other than their significant other, and trying to hook up the CS machine with one of the many girls who liked him. Oh yeah, and trying to stop anymore glass objects from being broken. I swear, at least 4 bowls fell from nowhere and smashed. It was unreal.

I also have a New Years resoultion list somewhere, so I'll be sure to post those later.

As for now, I pick up my photos at 4:00 and then I have to make some prints for tomorrow's critique.

PS. Greg called me at about 2 this afternoon and he wasn't doing anything. E-mail him and tell him to blog, OK?

*This wonderful quote is from the best New Years song ever written, aka The Ice of Boston, by the Plan. It's tradition to play it every year and sing along, although this year, it didn't happen. BOO. Good thing I wasn't standing alone, buck naked on NewYears Eve. . .