Friday, February 22, 2002


I declare today "Snow Day." The best day in the history of Springfield.

Does anyone remember this Simpsons? It's actually called "Bart gets and F" which is also the one and only Simpsons tape that I actually purchased and own. Anyway there's another brilliant line that I love to quote, "Look everyone, John Hancock's writing his name in the snow." I still laugh when I hear that one.

Anyway, I bring up this quote today because I declared today "Do anything you want to do today" day at work. And guess what I've done? Exactly what I want to do. I've done some reading, hung out with the other Grad students here- Brian and Tom- and then I copied stuff. I really didn't want to do the copy stuff, but I figured that I should.

So I'm reading the Reader today and stumbled across this one in the Savage Love section (in the classifieds.) I couldn't even believe the first line. ..

I'm 57 years old, and I can't get pussy.

Who writes this stuff? Let's continue.

I am kinky, bold, and tattooed all over. I am looking for a young kinky female, bi would be nice, someone that likes strange things. Where are the young women who might be interested in me?

The answer Dan Savage gave? Nevada.

There is another question I'd like to write, but it's way more graphic. yuck. Just read the Reader and get back to me.

Last night was cool, and I'm so glad that I finally went out. Of course, the band was fun as usual and they definitly lifted my spirits - even if Katz kept saying, "Jen thinks I have a sweet ass!" That is the last time I'm going to give anyone one of those Altoid valentine postcards that you can pick up at pretty much any bar. If you haven't seen them yet, look for them! They are funny! Back to my story: The last time I went out to a bar was in Hollywood with my buds from Los Angeles and Brian from Collapsing. Anywho, I'm not sure if I wrote this or not, but I was so drunk that night. Completely wasted. I had this grand idea of buying a bottle of goldschlager (pardon my spelling) and doing shots. Those went down fine, even my first few drinks at The Well were fine. Dave (one of my friends) got me a Manhattan. It killed me. I then somehow managed to have a cranberry and vodka and then a gin and tonic after it. I didn't feel anything that night, I didn't even feel drunk. That is, until the next morning where I felt terrible (just overtired and big headache.) You don't appreciate anyone's hand/foot prints when you felt the way I did. Walk of fame my ass.

Did I mention that I loved LA? Just kidding.

Hmmm, what should I do this weekend?


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