Thursday, April 18, 2002


I think you're just what I needed.

I only have time to write two things:

1)So Gant and I are at Clark's on Belmont, sitting outside, drinking root beer floats (they rocked) and because I am a dork, I started singing "just what I needed," a very fine Cars tune, to my lovely beverage. Not even a minute later, the song comes on the loud speaker. I swear, I was in awe for a good five minutes becasue of it.

2) There was this couple waiting for the L that were showing a little too much PDA* if you know what I mean. Anyway, they were wrestling for the guy's basketball and it fell on the L tracks. It was only amusing because a train was about to approach in a minute or so, and everyone who saw the ball fall moved super far back on the platform. Could a train de-rail because of a basketball? And like moving further back on the platform would save you somehow? Ok, I moved too.

I had a mailing list crisis this morning that isn't worth going into, so I'm getting off this thing (computer). If you are bored, check this out.

*Public display of affection


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