Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Oh I'm Still Alive:

Yep, I just quoted Pearl Jam. It's 1992 in my mind. My belated apologies go out to Jen for missing her going-away shindig at Fizz. I slept right through it.

I've been super busy lately, which explains the falling asleep while it's still light outside and the lack of blogging. Two of my co-workers moved on to bigger and better (?) things over the last few days, so my workload has increased substantially. A bitter east coast/west coast rivalry has also developed in the 3rd floor print room of my office, leading to plenty of tears and printouts carelessly tossed in the garbage. Damn you, Surplus Lines and your disorganized ways! We were here first.

Lessons of the week:
- don't mess with a guy called "The Rhino" when in Milwaukee
- don't sleep in the same room as Matt
- don't ride in a car with me after a night of drinking and greasy food


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