Sunday, January 09, 2005


I know this is a lot to ask of you, Southern California, but can I have one weekend, just one stinkin' weekend when it isn't raining?!?!? It seems like such an odd request that I have to ask for it to be sunny here, of all places. What a drag! I hope that its actually nice when Beck and Greg get here! Hmm, let's check the weather.

Today, a friend of Matt and mine, who works at this clothing store on the promenade in Santa Monica, told me that I could take any thing I wanted in the store for free. This is the kind of store where you can basically walk off with anything because the manager is never there and there is no security at the door. So, I thought about it for awhile, and if karma would kick me in the ass for it, and rationalized that as long as it was a "gift" from my friend, it wouldn't be so bad. So, I looked around the store and couldn't find a damn thing I liked. Is that karma already in action?

I have a couple of exciting events happening in the near future:
1) Beck and Greg, in town next weekend with a day trip planned to go to San Diego.
2) I will be attneding the opening night reception of Photo LA with the peeps from the gallery I work at. I've been to the opening night at the Chicago art Fair a couple of times and it was a great time. I hope this is the same.
3) We have a big opening at the gallery in a couple of weeks for the new show - should be a lot of fun.

It's sad that two of the three events involve work.


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