Christie. I saw this car on the road today. You are so lucky to have a car named after you!
The zoo was so much fun. It's definitely worth the trip down to San Diego.
It's very rare to have a sign as simple as this to describe an animal in a zoo. . .

And there it was, swimming in a tank, a plain old turtle.
Of course, I saw Pandas! and all sorts of other cool animals as well. Matt's animal of choice is the Meerkat due to their ability to catch a scorpion before it can attack them. They look like ferrets to me, so I wasn't so amazed to see them. Anyway, it was loads of fun.
Somehow, we timed our trip back home so perfectly that we were able to catch all sorts of finales for firework displays all along the 5 and 405. One after another, we hit them all, and missed traffic. Talk about a fantastic mini vacation.
How was everyone else's 4th? -not like any of you are going to write. It's like everyone on this particular blog has dropped off the blogging planet. Oh, except Christie's fine attampt last week. I'll just assume everyone is doing fine until I hear otherwise.
I was thinking about asking someone else to join the blog in hopes that I wouldn't be the solo writer, but then again, I am fearful they too will write for about a month and then become another name on the list of contributors. So, so, sad. : ( Any comment giving peeps have any ideas?
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