Thursday, May 18, 2006


This morning, I woke up at 6am to get to the Gap for shipment. I'm not a morning person. I get up, reluctantly, but I never feel fully awake until at least 10. Anyway, I was left alone in the stock room to finish processing the rest of the new stock and decided to rest my head on a box for a minute or so. My friend, Dan, walks in, sometime later, I'm guessing, and awakens me - I had fallen asleep standing up, hunched over boxes. To make matters worse, apparently my face was resting on a label on one of the boxes and left an nice ink barcode on my cheek. Talk about selling out to the man.


Blogger David said...

You're not alone, Jen. I've inherited my dad's ability to fall asleep anywhere. (Of course, HE picked up the habit in Normandy, sleeping in foxholes.) I can usually work the 6pm to 6am shift with no problem, but make me get up at 4am for the day shift and fogetaboutit! I've dozed off (momentarily) riding in an elevator, performing a chemical analysis, even during an impromtu meeting with my boss. (He's very understanding.) So...has Matt inherited his dad's and his grand-dad's proclivity for falling asleep at the drop of a hat?

8:28 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Actually, I fall asleep more easily than Matt. However, when Matt is asleep, Armageddon couldn't wake him up.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once during a bout of double shifts and too-little sleep, I fell asleep mid-sentence (narcoleptic-style) while talking to a co-worker. And like Matt, I can sleep through anything, including a burglary, which I did a while ago.

1:55 PM  

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