Speaking of pumpkins, Mike. . . Just like the Rockers, we too had a pumpkin carving gathering. We had some of the best pumkins I've seen this year, including Reba's George Bush pumpkin - see if you can find it in the group picture.
Matt and I did illustrations from Shell Silverstein's a Light in the Attic. I loved this book as a child, and you never really realize how creepy his illustrations are until you look at them again as an adult. I have some minor finishing touches on my pumpkin, so I'll post those pics later.
Here's the group before the carving starts.

The finished pumpkins!

. . . and the artists!

Man, I shoulda thought of doing a Geo. W. pumpkin. Those "Light in the Attic" ones are awesome. I wish I had pumpking carving skills. Incidently, I actually won 'most classic' in our little balloting, it was the most basic pumpkin ever: three triangles and a mouth. Everone accused me of making up the category just so I could win (not true) We put ours outside the next day and in 24 hours, they were completely destroyed by squirrels.
I'm late in seeing these, but they are great. Love em! The Shel ones are amazing. Nice job kids!
Thanks guys!
My pumpkin got moldy before I could add those "finishing touches," but I'm happy with the outcome.
wow...i am suddenly feeling inferior to your pumpkins. Great job! My pumpkin molded in the hallway of my apartment. I was not popular with the neighbors, I'm sure.
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