Today on the train, I sat across from this guy who took up three seats: one for himself, one for his bags and the third seat was specifically for his straw hat that had a "Miller Beer" patch on it. Sweet.
So, I had a fantastic Halloween weekend, which now seems like ages ago. Friday night, we saw Mike's band, Bifunkal, kick out the jams at Fizz. They started out the set with some Hall and Oates and then followed it up with some Beastie Boys. I met this guy who had the EXACT replica of Danielson's shower costume from The Karate Kid. It was amazing. Apparently it took him close to 2 years to track down everything from the shower curtain pattern to the Chargers jersey.

That night I went as a deviled egg, which may now be my favorite costume of all time. The people at Fizz had a lot of clever costumes on, however, no matter where you go, someone is bound to be dressed up as Slutty Bo-Peep or a hooker cop. You know, the usual skimpy, "sexy" outfits. When did Halloween become all about dressing as a 'ho, and losing all creativity? Stepping off soapbox now.
The next night, Matt's band, Virus. . . Attack! played their first show in Chicago at this pretty horrible venue called Bordo's. It's actually a restaurant, but after hours, they clear out the tables and it becomes a club? I guess. To top it off, the place didn't even have any sort of sound system for the bands and the DJ in the adjoining bar kept asking the bands to turn it down so people could hear the music the DJ was spinning. What?!?!? We had fun anyway.
Matt and I went as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. Yes, I know what you are thinking - Courtney Love dresses pretty damn slutty, but I guarantee my dress was WAY longer than half the ladies costumes I saw in the bar. Virus. . . Attack! was kind enough to let Courtney make a guest appearance singing Celebrity Skin. We have it on tape, and if I don't look like a complete moron, expect it on You Tube soon. Here are pics from the event.

Oh, make me over!

Kurt and Courtney, till death do us part.

Courtney, Sister Reba and Princess Leia
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