Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm getting used to this posting on Friday thing. I like it.

I did some g-mail chatting with Pat (ex-boyfriend) this past Wednesday, and apparently, he did a google search of the band, Sidekick Kato, and a blog of mine from the year 2001 popped up on the list. Here is what I think is so crazy about all of this:
1) That was nearly six years ago. The fact that I manage to still write on this blog six years later is pretty amazing to me. Out of all the hobbies that I have, only a rare few have stuck with me for six years.
2)The fact that a six year old post pops up on google says 2 things: a)There is nothing about this band on the internet, so my post stating that Sidekick Kato sucks is really all there is to read and b)perhaps that since google now owns(?) blogger could justify the fact that my post was on the list.
Finally, 3)I wonder how many other people have read that post, either while doing a google search of something, or just by being friendly and keeping up reading this blog over the years. You know, I write on this thing at least once a week, and most of the time, I think it's only my eyes that read what I am saying. It makes me think about who is really reading this.

Deep Thoughts, by Jen.

Anyway, for all those interested, knitting is going well. Knitting, yet another hobby that I took up about four years ago and failed miserably at, I am now attempting again and actually making progress. I realize how nice it is to take up something with a friend, weather it be knitting or running every morning, because it makes all the difference in how much you keep at it. Becky and I have been exchanging e-mails all week to make sure we are both getting along okay. When I tried to teach myself how to knit, I didn't have anyone or anything to compare my work with. Now I have support!

I've been meaning to post my Polaroid of the month, but my scanner is either dead or broken. Anyway you slice it, it looks like I'll have to invest in a new one. I don't really want to drop the cash on it, however, since I do use it for work sometimes, I think it might end up being a good investment. Anyone have any recommendations?


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