Friday, January 18, 2002


Bring on the weekend!!!!!!!

I think that Jen should quit her job, don't you? you don't have to put up with that crap! you have to list your priorities of what you want in a job and then think about what you are getting out of that job and what you could get out of a different job. sounds like fun right?

This morning I spent $200 of the companies money on NY strip steak, cut it up into pieces and put it in bags and it is now being transported up to madison. thank the sweet lord that I did not have to go on that trip.

tonight should be awesome. basically everyone I know is coming tonight and even some out of town friends. I've been stressing out so much this week over my sister and her antics that I just need to relax.....

ps-my sister had her car packed to move to st. louis with hardly any money and not knowing anybody or anything. my mom wrote me today and says she wants to stay in madison. whatevs, just stop bringing me into it if you are just going to change your mind!!!


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