Sunday, February 24, 2002


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Right now, I'm at Pat's parents house, watching the Shining, all by my lonesome. Pat went out with some friends that I'm just not up to seeing. Besides! Look at the time! It's practically 1:30. There's no way that I'm going to bed at 4 (when I know Pat will get back)or so, not when I have retouch man to deal with tomorrow. He is seriously kicking my ass. Pat tried to take a stab at him today and he ended up looking ike a disfigured burn victim. I love photoshop though. That rubber stamp tool is amazing. Yes, I am a full fledge computer dork.

I just got an e-mail from Ethan in Boston. It looks like someone has my band name of Tastes like Burning. Bastards!!!! He thinks they probably suck. Hopefully, they'll break up or something and then I can take the name for myself and made up band. I'd really hate to resort to the name of Sweet Penis, which is Greg, Gant and my made up band. We do rock. Greg has a great metal voice.

Right now Jack is being dragged into the freezer. This movie definitly has some scary parts, but there are some parts that just don't translate well from book to movie. Like those people dressed up as large animals. It's such a stupid part of the movie. Just leave it out! If you can't make it make sense, don't put it in!!! This is a great rule of thumb for aspiring movie makers!

I've done absolutely nothing exciting this weekend. I went to Target and got a new phone for my room and a bigger pot for my Ivy plant. Then I got extremely pissed off in Circut city because it was about 90 degrees in there and Pat had to look at all this stupid computer shit that he already has anyway. I will never get that about guys. Why does looking at the specs for some video card matter? You already have one that rocks, be happy with it!

Ooooohhhh, we are already at the "redrum" part. So scary! Doesn't Jack bust in soon? I'm right!!

Ok, I'm going to go. I think I'm going to call my friend Dave in LA. That's the nice thing about having friends in California; they are up when you are. Hmmm, does that make any sense?


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