Friday, August 02, 2002


Okay, so there are a couple things that have been bugging me lately. First of all Greg has made an American Flag on an excel spreadsheet and is ridiculously proud of it for no apparent reason. but don't worry about that just laugh at him.

Secondly I realized yesterday that it really grosses me out when people at work leave magazines in the bathroom stall. We have a little table outside the bathroom that can hold magazines. Why are you leaving them in the stall? We all know what you do in there? I don't mind at people's homes, but at work, I don't know....

Anyways, as the dork that I am , Dilbert was really funny today. They apparently are losing money because the customer service center spends all day making prank phone calls to the elderly. Here is an example: "According to our records, your neighbor has treasure buried under his lawn."


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