Tuesday, September 03, 2002


It's five o'clock and I'm not going to bed anytime soon!

Sorry, just had to quote Greg one more time from the longest poker game ever.

I was trying to sleep, but the above game, and this one damn mosquito kept me up. It would taunt me by buzzing in my face, wait a bit and then come back for more.

I left on Sunday to head up to Waukesha (I know I'm spelling it wrong) to hang out with Nate. I played the animal game with his three little cousins for about two hours. The game consisted of: "Guess my animal! What's got pointy ears and is beauiful?!" It keeps you guessing for hours especialy when they won't give you more clues. They were super cute little girls though, and I really didn't mind the attention.

It's been a busy day today and it looks like the rest of the week will be the same. Then Friday, I'm outta here!

PS. I'm sure no one will see this movie, but I saw Collateral Damage on Monday which is the WEAKEST MOVIE EVER. Not only does the plot line suck, but it makes Americans look like heros for going after "terrorists" that are just trying to free themselves from U.S. control. I wish I could quote you all the hypocritical lines in the movie. . . Have I been hanging out with Brian too much?


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