Tuesday, April 15, 2003


and if you can't keep up, then you better shut up

Well, there was a fire alarm today, and I walked down 11 flights of stairs in my new sandals. My feet are not happy at the moment and they do not want to be messed with.

At least I walked it without bitching. Ladies, don't wear the shoes if you can't do it. Understandable that there is going to be pain, I'm there - but please do not let the entire stairwell of people know down every stair. Thank you.

Of course, upon reaching the first floor, the alarm went off. oh ha, ha! I forgot how funny that was.

I'm printing off my book pages in the brighter, happier part of the digi lab, where there are windows and everything! I've also been sitting next to really cool people, so my experience here has been much more enjoyable.

There is some panel discussion at the museum tonight regarding digital photography. I should probably go because my advisor is on the panel, but I would really rather go to yoga. What to do, what to do.


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