Monday, January 12, 2004


We've got boxes!

My weekend was pretty average. On Friday I had an interview in the afternoon, so I took the whole day off. I think it went pretty well, and if I'm offered a position I will sprint into my supervisor's office to give him my 2 week notice. I love my current job that much. Talking with three different people about strengths and weaknesses for several hours proved to be draining, so I stayed in that night and watched the boob tube. On Saturday I went to Delilah's and the Lincoln Tap Room, where I treated myself to a good number of Warsteiners and some Bud Light. God bless those $2 Warsteiners and $5 (!!!) pitchers of Bud Light. The conversation, just like every other weekend, centered on weiners and WB dramas. I'm an admitted "Everwood" hater, but can't resist the sinister charms of "7th Heaven." Later in the night I made plans for next weekend with Blind Date GirlTM from a few weekends back. Sunday consisted of the usual sit around/eat nachos/read the paper/work out/watch Telemundo/send text messages that just say "pooper"/think about how much I hate my job/play air bass to Les Savy Fav/change the channel to Fox/watch Simpsons and Arrested Development/sleep cycle.


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