Friday, March 11, 2005


In honor of our four year anniversary, starting next week and ending on the 20th, I wanted to do something special here on the blog, but I have no idea what that will be. Maybe a fun link everyday, maybe a fun picture everyday, maybe both! Ok, it's decided. Starting Monday and ending with Sunday, I will post a fun link and fun picture everyday! Fun! Fun! Fun!

There's not much going on here, unless you mean the endless coverage of the Michael Jackson case! I don't know what the news coverage is like in the rest of the U.S., but here in Southern California, it is all that is on TV. I watched the 11:00 news (as in pm. Don't forget that the news isn't on at 10 pm like it is in Chicago. What a pain in the ass if you actually like to watch Conan O'Brien but have to stay up to 1 or so to actually watch the program!) last night to see what the weather would be like today. Of course, I should have guessed "sunny" because for the most part, this is always true. Instead, I had to sit through a grueling 20 minutes which recapped parts of the the trial and talks with "specialists" to see if Michael will most likely be convicted due to the fact that he was late to court and wearing pajama pants yesterday. Are you kidding me? Where is the real news? Who gives two shits about Michael Jackson anymore? Seriously. I want to know.

Speaking about giving "two shits" about someone, can I also mention John Stamos? I mean, come on. Who cares about your stupid new TV show? Everyone keeps interviewing the guy to get the scoop on the split with Rebecca and if Rebecca is seeing anyone, etc. because in all reality, these interviewers know that John Stamos is a boring d-bag and he has nothing of real interest to say unless it's about his ex-wife. Since I am bitching away, can we please discuss his hair? He's had the same freaking cut since he was Uncle Jesse on "Full House." You probably have enough money to get rid of that bowl cut and actually get a flattering cut, so you stop looking like all the boys in my 7th grade yearbook. (by the way, that was 1991!)

Whew! That felt good!

This is a personal plea to Becky, Greg, Christie, Brian and Mike. Please write stuff next week. I am dying to know how everyone is doing since I don't get to speak to everyone on a daily basis. Please. Pretty please?

Everyone else, look forward to fun stuff come next week.


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