Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I am working on this catalog I am designing for the gallery and I HAVE to finish it tonight. However, I am taking breaks all too often to check e-mail (even though I have no new messages,) write and post on my blogs (even though I don't have much to say,) and looking at longboards (even though I am not great at skateboarding). I have been semi-obsessed with getting better at skateboarding for about 3 weeks now, probably because I don't actually have a skateboard and it's really too miserable outside to want to be on a skateboard. Basically, what I'm saying is, it is easy to think about getting better at skateboarding than actually doing it. Matt and I looked at some skateboards this weekend, an although Matt is certainly no Tony Hawk, he moved about so effortlessly. I look kind of awkward, like I am always thinking about how I am going to fall and break something. But then! The longboard! It's like a whole new kind of skateboard to me. Maybe due to it's size I'm not as fearful about falling. Anyway, I've been checking out boards, and here are two that I like.

I went to Peoria this weekend to visit my friend, Jen, who I have known for about 20 years. We met on the slide, or the swing set; we can never get it straight. Anyway you slice it, I have been Jenny C to her family and she has been Jenny R to mine. She had to relocate to Peoria about two years ago when her husband got a job down there. She reluctantly packed up the Chicago condo and headed south. She works for News 25, which is on NBC, if you live in Peoria. She produces a couple of segments and also does reporting. The last time I saw Jen was when she came to visit Matt and I in California, and now I feel terrible that I waited this long to go and visit her, especially when it feels just like old times when we hang out. My goal for the year is to stop being a bad friend. I'm hoping to go back down to Peoria when the weather gets nicer and hopefully do something outside (as opposed to all the movie watching and game playing we did) with Jen and Jason.

Okay, thanks for the distraction. Back to work.


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