Tuesday, March 27, 2001


Thanks to Matt and Zach and their anti-Russell Crowe BLARGS. I’d also like to thank Steve Martin for his joke at the Oscars about Ellen Burstyn’s performance in "Requiem for a Dream". . . “she made herself look 30 pounds heavier and 20 years older--and Russell Crowe still hit on her." Ha, ha. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!! (imagine this but evil, like it is the fru-it of the de-vil.)

I have the best job today! We needed some signatures on important forms (yes, I love being vague.) So, I got to scan them, do some touching up on PhotoShop and copy and paste them onto the new documents (this was done with permission, just so you know.) I wish I could do this more than the other stuff I do. Hint two about my job: It has nothing to do with PhotoShop. (To see hint one, refer to March 22 at 1:18pm)

I just realized something. I keep forgetting to ask anyone if they saw the Guy Ritchie directed Madonna video. Anyone, anyone? Bueller, Bueller?

Another thing…. Where is Greg? We got two nice blogs from Becky, but no Greg. Is he. . . dead?

I just went out to lunch with my buddy, Nathan. He, like half of the universe, feels the need to relocate out west. He is planning on leaving in the beginning of May. Here are other people either moving west, planning on it, or want to: My mom and step-dad, Derek, Jeremy, Sean and Kristy, and yes, my very own boyfriend, Pat. The furthest west I plan on moving within the next few months is from Lakeview to Wicker Park. But that is a completely separate story of it’s own.


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