Tuesday, August 06, 2002


I miss the innocence I've known

This weekend, I was able to see two things: Austin Powers and Wilco.

I have a thing for Mike Meyers. I think it started with Wayne's World and continued to So I Married an Axe Murderer. I had a feeling that Austin Powers wouldn't be the best movie in the world, but I wanted to see it. Besides, on USA, I think, they've been playing the first and second Austin Power's back to back, and I kinda got re-addicted to the characters. Although Goldmember was pretty funny, here are three main problems with it:

1)Celebrity appearences: Some were very funny, others sucked. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who would actually like to see this movie, but John Travolta + completely unneccessary appearence = suck. BOO!

2) Product placement: There is an entire pointless scene where it looks like it was constructed just to advertise fo Mac, AOL, and America's Funniest Videos. It actually made me mad.

3) An ending that may lead to a fourth Austin Powers. Oh please god, don't let it happen.

Wilco, on the other hand, rocked hard. They did three encores for the Saturday night show that I went to. All the stuff off Yankee Foxtrot sounds so good live too. My only problem with the show was the extreme heat in the Riv. Hello? Ventilation rules! I felt like I was trapped in a sauna. I promise I won't do anymore equations after this but: Jen + big crowds (or otherwise known to me as "stupid people") + extreme heat = complete and utter bitch. I get real crabby, I can't help it.

I doubt that my review of Wilco was as good as this one.

It's so great outside!!!! Yay! Just wanted to write that.


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