Friday, April 18, 2003


Friday, I'm in love

I am so glad that it is 4:30 on Friday. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I've just spent the past half hour e-mail my professors/advisors on how my thesis project is progressing. I met with photographer David Hilliard (who gave a lecture here last night) this morning, and his comments were so positive and uplifting, that I know that I HAVE to get my work in the thesis show in May even if it kills me. I've been here every night until closing printing and I really think that I would be so disaapointed in myself if I couldn't get it done in time.

I wish I had more interesting things to write about, but lately my life has been too work and school based. and basically, very boring.

No wait! Last night, I'm at this dinner for David Hilliard at the house of a Chicago photo/art collector. Anyway, I have to use the bathroom and naturally, I lock the door. There were a lot of people in the house, I didn't want anyone to walk in on me. There is an old school lock on the door- it's actually a skeleton key and key hole. Anyway, I'm about to open the lock and well, I can't. I'm turning the stupid key in every direction and nothing is working. I get down on my knees and try to see if I can see which way the key should turn. Then I hear someone walk though the hallway and I stop, because I don't want anyone to know that I've locked myself in the bathroom. I pull the key out of the lock and I see a pair of legs through the keyhole, so now I know someone is waiting. I don't know what to do and it feels like it's about 100 degrees in the bathroom. So I wait, hoping they will leave. Then I hear a man say, "Are you locked in there?" and I recognize the voice of the husband of the collector. I reply, "Um. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yeah." He gave me directions on how to properly unlock the door turn, which I did after placing the key back in the door. He pulls the door open and I'm still sitting on the bathroom floor, not thinking that he would pull the door open. Of course, like an idiot. I start rambling on "I'm so sorry, it's just a habit to lock the door, I had no idea I wouldn't be able to open it. " and he responds " I don't think that we need to keep the key in there any longer."


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